Amt der Oö. Landesregierung
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Landeswappen Oberöstereich



Information about Covid-19(Englisch)

All the key information you need to know about Covid-19 at a glance.

General Information Zurück zur Ankerliste

Corona security measures

Information on vaccinations and tests: COVID-19 online counselling for migrants and refugees several times a day.

Multilingual info service

If you do not yet speak sufficient German, the ÖIF staff will be available to you not only in person, but also by telephone in the language you have selected for your concerns and will provide information on various topics.

Covid-19 vaccination Zurück zur Ankerliste

The vaccination is the most important step in the fight against the coronavirus disease. It minimises the risk of becoming infected with Covid-19 and the potential of being severely affected by the disease.

All citizens of Upper Austria aged 5* and up can book an appointment for a Covid-19 vaccination on the appointment booking platform.

Around 600 general practitioners in Upper Austria are naturally continuing to provide vaccinations as well. Pregnant women, high-risk patients and older people in particular are advised to contact their GP for a vaccination as a matter of urgency. These doctors are most familiar with their patients’ health. 

*According to the approval granted by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), Austria’s National Vaccine Committee (NIG) is also recommending that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine be used for the 5 to 11 age group. The vaccine is therefore also available to persons aged 5 and up in Upper Austria.

Further information

Dealing with Covid-19 Symptoms Zurück zur Ankerliste

A Covid-19 infection can cause a various symptomatology spectrum.

Covid-19 symptoms
The most common symptoms of a Covid-19 infection include fever, cough, rhinitis (running nose), sore throat and weakness/fatigue. Below you can find information on what you can do yourself when you experience these most common symptoms and when you should seek medical advice.

Symptom: Fever

Fever is a natural reaction to an infection and is therefore a symptom that can be alleviated by various measures.

Symptom: Sore throat, rhinitis

Sore throat and rhinitis are common in COVID-19 infection. Sometimes the sore throat is very painful.

Symptom: Cough, shortness of breath

Coughing can range from mild irritating coughing (dry cough) caused by tickling in the upper throat area to frequent and severe fits of coughing, which can also severely impair the night's rest. Sometimes you may experience shortness of breath.

Symptom: Weakness, fatigue

General weakness and fatigue in the course of COVID-19 disease are not uncommon.

There are now treatment options for people infected with the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). For more information, contact your family doctor as soon as possible and find out more via the following link.